A simple polymer model #
This time, we will run a molecular dynamics simulation of 100 particles connected by springs.
and [units]
Same as the previous example, we first define the names and the format of output files.
output.prefix = "polymer-model"
output.path = "./"
output.format = "xyz"
To see the complete list of available options, see files section in the reference.
Also, we need to define unit system to be used.
length = "angstrom"
energy = "kcal/mol"
To see the complete list of available options, see units section in the reference.
Unlike the previous example, here, all the particles are connected by springs, so we can omit periodic boundary without worrying that some of the particles will go far away.
type = "MolecularDynamics"
precision = "double"
boundary_type = "Unlimited" # No periodic boundary
seed = 123456789
delta_t = 0.01
total_step = 1_000_000
save_step = 1_000
integrator.type = "BAOABLangevin"
integrator.gammas = [
{index = 0, gamma = 1.00},
{index = 1, gamma = 1.00},
{index = 2, gamma = 1.00},
# ...
{index = 99, gamma = 1.00},
Most of the parts are the same as the previous example.
To see the complete list of available options, see Simulator section in the reference.
This time, we don’t need boundary_shape
because we don’t have a periodic boundary.
Let’s place particles along a straight line.
attributes.temperature = 300.0 # K
particles = [
{mass = 1.0, position = [ 0.000, 0.000, 0.000]},
{mass = 1.0, position = [ 1.000, 0.000, 0.000]},
{mass = 1.0, position = [ 2.000, 0.000, 0.000]},
{mass = 1.0, position = [ 3.000, 0.000, 0.000]},
{mass = 1.0, position = [ 4.000, 0.000, 0.000]},
{mass = 1.0, position = [ 5.000, 0.000, 0.000]},
{mass = 1.0, position = [ 6.000, 0.000, 0.000]},
{mass = 1.0, position = [ 7.000, 0.000, 0.000]},
{mass = 1.0, position = [ 8.000, 0.000, 0.000]},
# 続く...
{mass = 1.0, position = [99.000, 0.000, 0.000]},
To see the complete list of available options, see Systems section in the reference.
Finally, we will define forcefield parameters.
In this example, we want to connect particles by springs. So we define a “local” forcefield.
interaction = "BondLength"
potential = "Harmonic"
topology = "bond"
, later it will be explained in detail, is a label to handle relationships between local and global interactions.
In this case, the name is not important.
Then, apply local potentials between particles.
interaction takes two particles.
potential takes v0
and k
is the value where the potential takes the minimum.
is the value which determines the strength of the potential.
interaction = "BondLength"
potential = "Harmonic"
topology = "bond"
parameters = [
{indices = [ 0, 1], v0 = 1.0, k = 10.0},
{indices = [ 1, 2], v0 = 1.0, k = 10.0},
{indices = [ 2, 3], v0 = 1.0, k = 10.0},
# ...
{indices = [98,99], v0 = 1.0, k = 10.0},
To see the complete list of available options, see ForceFields section in the reference.
Simulation #
Congratulations! All the required information is written in the input file. By passing the input file to mjolnir, it runs the simulation.
It takes relatively short time compared to the previous example because we have less particles.
$ ./bin/mjolnir polymer-model.toml
reading input file...
-- reading and parsing toml file `polymer-model.toml` ... successfully parsed.
-- the log file is `./polymer-model.log`
-- mjolnir version v1.22.0-dev (06d5ede6)
-- compiled using /usr/bin/g++-10
-- input_path is ./
-- expanding include files ...
-- done.
-- precision is double
-- Boundary Condition is Unlimited
-- execute on single core
-- energy unit is [kcal/mol]
-- length unit is [angstrom]
-- Integrator is BAOABLangevin.
-- Simulator type is MolecularDynamics.
-- total step is 1000000
-- save step is 1000
-- checkpoint step is 1000
-- reading 0th system ...
-- 100 particles are found.
-- output file prefix is `./polymer-model`
-- output xyz format.
-- LocalForceField (x1) found
-- reading 0th [[forcefields.local]]
-- Bond Length interaction found.
-- -- potential function is Harmonic.
-- -- 99 interactions are found.
-- seed is 123456789
initializing simulator...
-- generating velocity with T = 300...
-- done.
start running simulation
8.2%|████ | 10.5 seconds remaining
You will find the following files after the simulation is complete.
$ ls polymer-model*
The .msg
files are for restarting simulation. The format is MsgPack.
The .ene
file has the value of energies and other physical quantities in a simple ASCII format, and you can easily visualize it by using gnuplot or other software or a library.
$ head polymer-model.ene
# unit of length : angstrom, unit of energy : kcal/mol
# timestep BondLength:Harmonic kinetic_energy attribute:temperature
0 0.000000 96.956625 300.000000
1000 56.910239 86.124451 300.000000
2000 51.497857 85.960034 300.000000
3000 44.394914 90.433666 300.000000
4000 50.774066 89.091169 300.000000
5000 46.749105 104.594276 300.000000
6000 34.130104 86.045558 300.000000
7000 39.505721 84.893861 300.000000
contains the trajectory.
You can visualize it by passing the file to a VMD or molecular viewer.
Conclusion #
This tutorial is over.
We passed two particles to each BondLegnth
Those two are not necessarily be contiguous.
You can apply potential on any pair of particles.
and DihedralAngle
is also a LocalInteraction
Mjolnir supports those in the same way as BondLength
If you are interested, see LocalForceField.