
UnderdampedLangevin #

UnderdampedLangevin integrator performs constant temperature simulation according to Langevin equation.

This method is developed in the following paper.

  • J. D. Honeycutt and D. Thirumalai, (1992) Biopolymers
  • Z. Guo and D. Thirumalai, (1995) Biopolymers.

It is the same method that is employed in CafeMol.

Example #

# ...
integrator.type = "UnderdampedLangevin"
integrator.gammas = [
    {index = 0, gamma = 1.0},
    {index = 1, gamma = 1.0},
    # ...

Input reference #

Some of the other parameters, such as delta_t, are defined in [Simulator] table.

  • type: String
    • The name of Integrator. Here, it is "UnderdampedLangevin".
  • gammas: Array of Tables
    • \(\gamma_i\) of the particles.
  • remove: Table (Optional)
    • translation and rotation: Boolean
      • If true, it removes the total translation and rotation. Otherwise, it does nothing.
    • rescale: Boolean
      • If true, it rescales all the velocities to make kinetic energy constant.
    • By default, all the fields becomes false.