ExternalForceField #
contains a set of interactions between particle and an external field.
PositionRestraintInteraction #
It restrains a particle at a fixed point.
It also can restrain a particle at a fixed distance from a certain point.
PullingForceInteraction #
It applies a force to the specified particle.
CoMPullingForceInteraction #
It applies a force to the center of mass of the specified particles.
RectangularBoxInteraction #
It wraps the system by a rectangular box. It does not work under the periodic boundary condition.
ExternalDistanceInteraction #
It depends on the distance between particles and a structure such as a planner surface.
AFMFittingInteraction #
It depends on the correlation coefficient between pseudo AFM image and the reference image.
It is capable of fitting a biomolecular model to an experimental AFM image.