
Installation #

This page describes how to build Mjolnir.

Prerequisities #

  • linux or Unix (e.g. OS X)
  • C++11 compatible compiler
  • git
  • Make
  • CMake
  • Boost C++ Library

Operating System #

It assumes that the file pathes conform to the posix standard.

Also, automatic tests only run on Linux and OS X. Thus it is not guaranteed to work on Windows properly.

C++ compiler #

It requires C++11 compatible compiler. Since now it is 2021, default compilers in most of the systems are compatible to C++11.

But I recommend to use the later versions of compilers. Compilers are also in development, so the later versions generally have less bugs and generate faster executables.

Git #

Mjolnir contains toml11 library as a git-submodule. Git is required to download it.

CMake #

Mjolnir uses CMake as a build system.

The CMakeLists.txts expects relatively later versions of CMake. So it is recommended to use the later versions of CMake.

Boost #

Test codes of Mjolnir depends on the Boost library.

Although CMakeLists.txt automatically downloads Boost, it makes build process faster to use a library that is already built.

Building #

To build Mjolnir, run the following commands.

$ git clone
$ cd Mjolnir
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake .. # commonly-used options are listed below.
$ make
$ make test

Example CMake Options #

  • To change the compiler to be used
$ cmake .. -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++
  • To use Boost library installed in your system
$ cmake .. -DFIND_BOOST=ON -DBOOST_ROOT=/path/to/boost
  • To speedup compilation by turning separated build on and also using pre-built boost library

Options for CMake #

All those are optional variables.

  • -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/path/to/compiler
    • It is an option for CMake. You can choose what compiler would be used.
    • ON by default.
    • If ON, compile with OpenMP (if it is available). Then you can parallelize your simulation with OpenMP.
    • OFF by default.
    • If ON, CMake looks boost library that is already installed. If it does not exist, the build fails.
  • -DBOOST_ROOT=/path/to/boost
    • It is an option for FindBoost package in CMake. You can specify the path to boost you want to use.
    • OFF by default.
    • If ON, compile codes separately and link them after compilation. This feature is for developers who compiles it a lot of times.
    • ON by default.
    • If OFF, float version of the code will be ignored and the compilation finishes quickly.
    • ON by default.
    • If OFF, double version of the code will be ignored and the compilation finishes quickly.
    • ON by default.
    • If OFF, UnlimitedBoundary would not be able to be used, but the compilation finishes quickly.
    • ON by default.
    • If OFF, CuboidalPeriodicBoundary would not be able to be used, but the compilation finishes quickly.
    • ON by default.
    • If OFF, unit tests would not be compiled. It will save your time.
    • OFF by default.
    • If ON, integration tests will be compiled.